Happy Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day!


16 years ago today, I went on a date with a good friend I’ve known for about a year or so. We had just gone to her high school prom (blind date) and we have been friends ever since. We went to this little restaurant called Rey’s Tepeyac in Azusa, CA. She ordered her favorite Mexican food of ALL TIME, Bean & Cheese Burrito with diet coke, I probably ordered a machaca burrito. We sat in the corner booth, talked, exchanged our first Valentine’s day cards for each other. I still remember my card said “I love you more than just a friend.” We had a great lunch, we talked and talked and talked. It was at that moment, I realized there was something special between the two of us friends. About a month later, I asked her to by my girlfriend.

That girl, is also the same girl you see in the picture above.

We got married 8 years later, we’ve been fortunate enough to have two beautiful baby girls together. Life has its many ups and downs, and being the stubborn guy that I am, I don’t think I realize just how much she means to me until recently. My life simply wouldn’t be complete without her.

Happy Valentine’s day my love. 🙂

*photo credit goes to Erich Chen, picture was taken in Maui, during another one of our crazy destination wedding adventures.